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The Town of Plymouth


Plymouth's government is made up of a Legislative branch, which consists of Representative Town Meeting, and an Executive branch composed of The Select Board, The Town Manager and Planning Board. Additionally, there are a variety of citizen-led Boards and Committees which also help keep the town running smoothly. All elected positions in Plymouth are non-partisan.


The Town Charter provides a detailed overview of town government and can be viewed here.


Plymouth sends out regular email notifications regarding boards and committees, as well as other important town related information. To sign up for these emails, click here .


The Legislative Branch - Representative Town Meeting


The town is divided into 15 precincts. Each precinct elects nine Town Meeting Representatives, for 135 total, each serving a three-year term.


Town Meeting occurs once in the Spring and once in the Fall, where Reps vote on the town budget and any changes to the town by-laws.  Special Town Meetings can also be called.


The Town Moderator is the presiding officer of Town Meeting and serves a three-year term.


You can find a current list of Town Meeting Representatives here. A map of Plymouth's 15 precinct's can be found here. 


Running for Representative Town Meeting 


Every year, three Town Meeting Reps from every Precinct are up for election.  These elections take place the third Saturday of May. 


Potential candidates must be registered voters in Plymouth and must obtain the nomination papers from the Town Clerk's office.  Nomination papers must be filled with at least 10 signatures from registered voters from the precinct in which the candidate resides.The completed nomination papers must then be filed with the Town Clerk's office by the deadline set by the town.


To learn more about Representative Town Meeting see here. 


The Executive Branch - The Select Board & Town Manager 


The Select Board consists of five elected members who serve three-year terms. 


The Board is the chief executive body of the town. It serves as the goal-setting, long-range planning and policy-making body of the town. It makes recommendations on major courses of action to the representative town meeting, and adopts policy directives and guidelines which the officers, boards, committees, commissions and employees of the town work to implement. 


The Town Manager is the chief administrative officer of the town, and is responsible to The Select Board for the effective management of all town affairs placed in his/her charge by the Charter, The Select Board, by-law, or vote of the representative town meeting. The Town Manager is responsible for the implementation of town policies established by The Select Board. The Town Manager is appointed by The Select Board.


The current members of The Select Board are:



Richard J. Quintal, Jr. - Chair

Betty Cavacco - Vice Chair

Patrick Flaherty

Harry Helm


 Contact the Board 


Melissa Arrighi is Plymouth's Town Manager. 

Contact her here. 



The School Committee 


Plymouth's School Committee is comprised of seven members elected for three-year, overlapping terms. The School Committee is responsible for overseeing the annual school budget and developing  policies for the Plymouth school system. Additionally, the School Committee hires and reviews the performance of the Superintendent of Schools, and advocates for the school system with citizens and Town Government through the year. 


The current members of the School Committee are:


Kim Hunt - Chair 

Michelle Badger -Vice Chair

Robert Morgan - Secretary 

Katherine Jackson

Luis Pizano

Vedna Lacombe-Heywood

James Sorensen


Contact the school committee 


Boards & Committees


There are 30+ Boards & Committees that play a crucial role in Plymouth's town government.

Some of these are appointed and some are elected.  Examples include:

  • Advisory & Finance Committee (appointed)

  • Zoning Board of Appeals (appointed)

  • No Place For Hate Committee (appointed)

  • Planning Board (elected)

  • School Committee (elected)


How To Get On A Board Or Committee


Elected Committee positions are on the town election ballot each May.  

Appointed Committee positions are filled in early Summer, after the annual town elections. 


Letters of interest must be submitted to the appointing body - either the Town Moderator or the Board of Select Board. Vacancies are also posted throughout the year and can be filled on a rolling basis by interested candidates.


Register for email alerts about committee vacancies 










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©2020 by Plymouth Democratic Town Committee

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